Bye 2010, Hello 2011!
Friday, December 31, 2010

Hello fellow homosapiens.
Yes, my blog is finally complete. Huzzah!
It took me approximately two weeks to actually complete this.
Mainly because of my pure lazyness. ;D
Anyway, my friends used to complain to me about how noisy my blog is whenever they drop by and all.
So, I've decided to be considerate and not put any "noisy" songs in my music playlist.
Except for one Bring Me The Horizon song. Just one. And I don't think its THAT noisy. :)

Its New Year's Eve today! No big deal, of course.
Its just the same old thing every year. So I don't think there's really much to celebrate about.
2010 was quite a hell of a year, for sure!
I fell in and out of love a couple of times, I realised who my real friends were, I accepted the fact that being short is fine, I've learnt not to take things for granted, I've experienced how difficult it is to actually get money, I've started believing that everything happens for a reason and I survived the Os. ;)
I'm not really looking forward to 10th Jan though. The thought of getting back our results is scary enough. I hope all of my late night studying and hardcore mugging paid off.

Don't ask what my 2011 resolutions are because I don't really have any. Even if I did, I won't fulfill it. LOL. :X
As far as I can remember, I don't think I did fulfill any of my 2010 resolutions.
Oh well, happy new year everybody! :)

(PS: Did I mention that my Lights merch finally came? Holy mother! O: )


Why, hello there! Syafiqah/Iqaa O'Gay! Seventeen. And no, i'm not suffering from anorexia nervosa. Thank you!


Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend.

December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
